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To create a new migration, run:

beanie new-migration -n migration_name -p relative/path/to/migrations/directory/

It will create a file named * in the directory relative/path/to/migrations/directory/

Migration file contains two classes: Forward and Backward. Each one contains instructions to roll migration respectively forward and backward.


Attention: By default, migrations use transactions. This approach only works with MongoDB replica sets. If you prefer to run migrations without transactions, pass the --no-use-transaction flag to the migrate command. However, be aware that this approach is risky, as there is no way to roll back migrations without transactions.

To roll one forward migration, run:

beanie migrate -uri 'mongodb+srv://user:pass@host/db' -p relative/path/to/migrations/directory/ --distance 1

To roll all forward migrations, run:

beanie migrate -uri 'mongodb://user:pass@host' -db db -p relative/path/to/migrations/directory/

To roll one backward migration, run:

beanie migrate -uri 'mongodb+srv://user:pass@host/db' -p relative/path/to/migrations/directory/ --distance 1 --backward

To roll all backward migrations, run:

beanie migrate -uri 'mongodb+srv://user:pass@host/db' -p relative/path/to/migrations/directory/ --backward

To show the help message with all the parameters and descriptions, run:

beanie migrate --help

Migration types

Migration class contains instructions - decorated async functions. There are two types of instructions:

  • Iterative migration - instruction that iterates over all the documents of the input_document collection and updates it. Most convenient to use, should be used in 99% cases.
  • Free fall migrations - instruction where user can write any logic. Most flexible, but verbose.

Iterative migrations

To mark a function as iterative migration, @iterative_migration() decorator must be used. The function itself must accept typed input_document and output_document arguments. Like here:


async def name_to_title(
        self, input_document: OldNote, output_document: Note

A simple example of field name changing

There are the next models:

class Tag(BaseModel):
    color: str
    name: str

class OldNote(Document):
    name: str
    tag: Tag

    class Settings:
        name = "notes"

class Note(Document):
    title: str
    tag: Tag

    class Settings:
        name = "notes"

To migrate from OldNote to Note, file name has to be renamed to title.

Forward migration:

class Forward:
    async def name_to_title(
            self, input_document: OldNote, output_document: Note
        output_document.title =

Backward migration:

class Backward:
    async def title_to_name(
            self, input_document: Note, output_document: OldNote
    ): = input_document.title

And a little more complex example:

from pydantic.main import BaseModel

from beanie import Document, iterative_migration

class OldTag(BaseModel):
    color: str
    name: str

class Tag(BaseModel):
    color: str
    title: str

class OldNote(Document):
    title: str
    tag: OldTag

    class Settings:
        name = "notes"

class Note(Document):
    title: str
    tag: Tag

    class Settings:
        name = "notes"

class Forward:
    async def change_color(
            self, input_document: OldNote, output_document: Note
        output_document.tag.title =

class Backward:
    async def change_title(
            self, input_document: Note, output_document: OldNote
    ): = input_document.tag.title
All the examples of migrations can be found by link

Free fall migrations

It is a much more flexible migration type, which allows the implementation of any migration logic. But at the same time, it is more verbose.

To mark function as a free fall migration, @free_fall_migration() decorator with the list of Document classes must be used. Function itself accepts session as an argument. It is used in order to roll back the migration in case something has gone wrong. To be able to roll back, please pass session to the Documents methods. Like here:

@free_fall_migration(document_models=[OldNote, Note])
async def name_to_title(self, session):
    async for old_note in OldNote.find_all():
        new_note = Note(
  ,, tag=old_note.tag
        await new_note.replace(session=session)

The same example as for the iterative migration, but with free fall migration type

from pydantic.main import BaseModel

from beanie import Document, free_fall_migration

class Tag(BaseModel):
    color: str
    name: str

class OldNote(Document):
    name: str
    tag: Tag

    class Settings:
        name = "notes"

class Note(Document):
    title: str
    tag: Tag

    class Settings:
        name = "notes"

class Forward:
    @free_fall_migration(document_models=[OldNote, Note])
    async def name_to_title(self, session):
        async for old_note in OldNote.find_all():
            new_note = Note(
      ,, tag=old_note.tag
            await new_note.replace(session=session)

class Backward:
    @free_fall_migration(document_models=[OldNote, Note])
    async def title_to_name(self, session):
        async for old_note in Note.find_all():
            new_note = OldNote(
      , name=old_note.title, tag=old_note.tag
            await new_note.replace(session=session)
All the examples of migrations can be found by link