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Indexes setup

There are more than one way to set up indexes using Beanie

Indexed function

To set up an index over a single field, the Indexed function can be used to wrap the type and does not require a Settings class:

from beanie import Document, Indexed

class Sample(Document):
    num: Annotated[int, Indexed()]
    description: str

The Indexed function takes an optional index_type argument, which may be set to a pymongo index type:

import pymongo

from beanie import Document, Indexed

class Sample(Document):
    description: Annotated[str, Indexed(index_type=pymongo.TEXT)]

The Indexed function also supports PyMongo's IndexModel kwargs arguments (see the PyMongo Documentation for details).

For example, to create a unique index:

from beanie import Document, Indexed

class Sample(Document):
    name: Annotated[str, Indexed(unique=True)]

The Indexed function can also be used directly in the type annotation, by giving it the wrapped type as the first argument. Note that this might not work with some Pydantic V2 types, such as UUID4 or EmailStr.

from beanie import Document, Indexed

class Sample(Document):
    name: Indexed(str, unique=True)

Multi-field indexes

The indexes field of the inner Settings class is responsible for more complex indexes. It is a list where items can be:

  • Single key. Name of the document's field (this is equivalent to using the Indexed function described above without any additional arguments)
  • List of (key, direction) pairs. Key - string, name of the document's field. Direction - pymongo direction ( example: pymongo.ASCENDING)
  • pymongo.IndexModel instance - the most flexible option. PyMongo Documentation
import pymongo
from pymongo import IndexModel

from beanie import Document

class Sample(Document):
    test_int: int
    test_str: str

    class Settings:
        indexes = [
                ("test_int", pymongo.ASCENDING),
                ("test_str", pymongo.DESCENDING),
                [("test_str", pymongo.DESCENDING)],